For Class Five
ভূমিকাLesson 1Lesson 2Lesson 3Lesson 4Lesson 5Lesson 6Lesson 7Lesson 8Lesson 9Lesson 10Lesson 11Lesson 12Lesson 13Lesson 14Lesson1 5Lesson 16Lesson 17Lesson 18Lesson 19Lesson 20Lesson 21 Lesson 22Lesson 23Lesson24Lesson 25Lesson 26Lesson 27 Lesson 28Lesson 29Lesson30Lesson 31Lesson 32Lesson 33Lesson34Lesson35Lesson 36Lesson37 Lesson 38
For Class Five
Shaheen M Kabir
Amirun Nesa
Naina Shahzadi
Mahmud Ullah
Khandaker Abdul Hannan
National Curriculum & Textbook Board
69-70, Motijheel Commercial Area, Dhaka-1000
(All rights reserved by the publisher)
First edition : October, 2005
Re-print : September-2009
Artist :
Sardar Joynul Abedin
Proof Reading & Revising :
Md. Omar Kazi
Computer Typesetting
Lasser Scan Ltd.
9562865, 9567608
National Curriculum & Textbook Board
প্রাথমিক শিক্ষার গুণগতমান উন্নয়নের লক্ষ্যে প্রাথমিক শিক্ষা উন্নয়ন প্রকল্প (২য় পর্যায়) এবং জাতীয় শিক্ষাক্রম ও
পাঠ্যপুস্ততক বোর্ড, ঢাকা একটি বিস্তৃত কর্মপরিকল্পনা গ্রহণ করে। এ পরিকল্পনা অনুযায়ী প্রাথমিক স্তরের
শিক্ষাক্রম, পাঠ্যপুস্তক ও শিখন সামগ্রীর মূল্যায়ন ও পরিমার্জন করা হয় এবং এ কার্যক্রমের ভিত্তিতে প্রাথমিক
স্তরের প্রত্যেকটি বিষয়ের পাঠ্যপুস্তক ও অন্যান্য পঠন-পাঠন সামগ্রী প্রণয়ন করা হয়।
প্রাথমিক স্তরের শিক্ষাক্রমে ৫ম শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি বিষয়ের জন্য চিহ্নিত শ্রেণীভিত্তিক অর্জনোপযোগী যোগ্যতার
ভিত্তিতে জাতীয় শিক্ষাক্রম ও পাঠ্যপুস্তক বোর্ড, ঢাকা কর্তৃক নির্বাচিত এবং গণপ্রজাতন্ত্রী বাংলাদেশ সরকারের
প্রাথমিক ও গণশিক্ষা মন্ত্রণালয় কর্তৃক অনুমোদিত লেখকগণ পঞ্চম শ্রেণীর জন্য নুতন ইংরেজি পাঠ্যপুস্তক
`English for Today For Class Five' রচনা করেন। জাতীয় কর্মশালার মাধ্যমে শ্রেণী শিক্ষক, শিক্ষক
প্রশিক্ষক, বিষয় বিশেষজ্ঞ ও শিক্ষাক্রম বিশেষজ্ঞগণের সহায়তায় পাণ্ডুলিপিটির ৪ দিন ব্যাপী যৌক্তিক মূল্যায়ন
সম্প করা হয়। অতঃপর প্রফেশনাল কমিটি কর্তৃক পরীক্ষা-নিরীক্ষার পর জাতীয় সমন্বয় কমিটির সম্মানিত
সদস্যগণ পুনরায় পরীক্ষা-নিরীক্ষা ও পর্যালোচনা করেন এবং উক্ত কমিটি পাণ্ডুলিপিটির চূড়ান্ত অনুমোদন দেয়।
ইংরেজি একটি বিদেশী ভাষা। শ্রেণীকক্ষের বাইরে এ ভাষা শোনা বা বলার সুযোগ কম। এদিকে দৃষ্টি রেখে
পাঠ্যপুস্তকটিতে শব্দ, সংখ্যা, বাক্যাংশ, বাক্য, কথোপকথন এবং গল্প কবিতার মাধ্যমে ইংরেজি ভাষার সঙ্গে
পরিচিত হওয়ার সুযোগ সৃষ্টি করা হয়েছে। ভাষা শিক্ষার চারটি দক্ষতা শোনা, বলা, পড়া ও লেখার ন্যূনতম
দক্ষতা অর্জনের মাধ্যমে ভাষা ব্যবহারের (Communicative Approach) ওপর গুরুত্ব দেওয়া হয়েছে।
সঠিক এবং শুদ্ধ উচ্চারণ শিক্ষা দেওয়ার জন্য Stress I Intonation Practice এর Lessonঅন্তর্ভুক্ত
করা হয়েছে। শিক্ষার্থীদের আগ্রহ সৃষ্টি ও পাঠ গ্রহণ সহজ করার জন্য পরিচিত পরিবেশ থেকে পাঠ নির্বাচন এবং
ছবি সংযোজন করা হয়েছে। মূল্যায়নের জন্য পাঠের শেষে অনুশীলনী দেওয়া হয়েছে। অনুশীলনীতে পর্যাপ্ত
নৈর্ব্যক্তিক ও সংক্ষিপ্ত উত্তরের প্রশড়ব রয়েছে।
শ্রেণীকক্ষে ইংরেজি সঠিক ও সুন্দরভাবে শেখানোর জন্য উপযুক্ত কলা কৌশল ব্যবহারের প্রয়োজন। সে লক্ষ্যে
প্রণীত শিক্ষক নির্দেশিকা যথাযথভাবে অনুসরণ করে শিক্ষকগণ যদি শ্রেণীকক্ষে পাঠদান করেন তবে শিক্ষার্থীরা
পাঠে আগ্রহ বোধ করবে এবং পাঠের নির্ধারিত যোগ্যতাগুলো অর্জন করবে বলে আশা করা যায়।
শিক্ষাক্রম উন্নয়ন একটি ধারাবাহিক প্রক্রিয়া। তাই পাঠ্যপুস্তকের উন্নয়নের জন্য এ প্রক্রিয়া অব্যাহত থাকবে।
সংশ্লিষ্ট ব্যক্তিবর্গের সযন্ত প্রয়াস ও সতর্কতা সত্ত্বেও পুস্তকটিতে কিছু ত্রূটি-বিচ্যুতি থেকে যেতে পারে। পরবর্তী
সংস্করণে পাঠ্যপুস্তকটি ত্রূটিমুক্ত করার চেষ্টা অব্যাহত থাকবে।
এ বইটি রচনা, সম্পাদনা ও মূল্যায়নসহ প্রকাশনার বিভিন্ন পর্যায়ে যাঁরা সহায়তা করেছেন তাঁদের সবাইকে
জানাই আন্তরিক কৃতজ্ঞতা ও ধন্যবাদ। যাদের জন্য বইটি প্রণীত হল, তারা উপকৃত হলে আমাদের সকল প্রয়াস
সফল হবে বলে আমি মনে করি।
প্রফেসর মোঃ মোস্তফা কামালউদ্দিন
জাতীয় শিক্ষাক্রম ও পাঠ্যপুস্তক বোর্ড, ঢাকা
Lesson No Topic Page
Lesson 1 Bashir’s Friend 1
Lesson 2 Commands, Instructions and Requests 4
Lesson 3 It’s Fun 10
Lesson 4 Telling the Time 11
Lesson 5 Writing on Your Own 14
Lesson 6 Giving Instructions 17
Lesson 7 Jamila Akhter and her job 20
Lesson 8 Little Boy Blue 25
Lesson 9 At the Doctor’s 26
Lesson 10 Request (Would ..... Could) 30
Lesson 11 Practising Pronunciation :/ae/and/ei 33
Lesson 12 Letter to a Friend 38
Lesson 13 Common Birds of Bangladesh 41
Lesson 14 Cuckoo 45
Lesson 15 Ordinal Numbers 46
Lesson 16 Numbers in Words (51-100) 50
Lesson 17 Punctuation : Using a Hyphen 53
Lesson 18 My Pet 56
Lesson 19 Little Pussy 60
Lesson 20 My Country 61
Lesson 21 Talking about People 67
Lesson 22 Punctuation : Comma 72
Lesson 23 The Cap-seller and the Monkeys 75
Lesson 24 Twos 78
Lesson 25 Eid Day 79
Lesson 26 Use of Capitals 82
Lesson 27 Mohakhali Flyover 85
Lesson 28 Punctuation : Commas with Nouns of Address 91
Lesson 29 Clouds 93
Lesson 30 The Night to Remember 94
Lesson 31 A Visit to a Book Fair 103
Lesson 32 Pronunciation : Stress 108
Lesson 33 Intonation 110
Lesson 34 Practice Sheet : Listen and Write 113
Lesson 35 Writing a short composition 115
Lesson 36 A Visit to a Zoo 118
Lesson 37 Practise writing in cursive and non-cursive letters 125
Lesson 38 Aladin and the Wonderful Lamp 131
Lesson 1
Lesson 1
Bashir’s Friend
A Read and act.
Saif : Hello, Bashir.
Bashir : Hello, Saif.
Saif : You look sad. What's the matter?
Bashir : My aunt is ill. She is suffering from ulcer.
Saif : Is it too bad?
Bashir : Yes, it is. She has a lot of pain. She can't eat
Saif : What did the doctor say?
Bashir : The doctor said that it would take time for her to
get well.
Saif : Where is she now?
Bashir : She is in the hospital.
Saif : Which hospital is it?
Bashir : She is in the district hospital.
Saif : Who is looking after her?
Bashir : My parents and my uncle.
Saif : I hope she gets well soon. Do you need any help?
Bashir : Thanks for your kindness.
Saif : Are you going to the hospital now?
Bashir : Yes.
Saif : Can I come with you?
Bashir : Yes, of course. Let's go.
A1 Make sentences from this table.
doing ?
going ?
coming ?
saying ?
A2 Make WH-questions for the given
answers. The first one is done for you.
1Q Who is she?
A She is my sister.
2Q ______ ______ ______?
A Her name is Farhana.
3Q ________ _______ _______ _______?
A She is 10.
4Q ________ _______ _______ _______?
A Her birthday is on 9 June.
5Q ________ _______ _______ _______?
A She is going to school.
6Q ________ _______ _______ _______ _______?
A She is in class 4.
A3 Ask and answer. Work in pairs.
1. Why is Bashir sad?
2. What is Bashir's aunt suffering from?
3. Where is Bashir's aunt now?
4. Who is looking after Bashir's aunt?
5. Where does Saif want to go? Why?
6. Why does Bashir thank Saif?
New words/phrases
sad, matter, suffering, ulcer, hospital, kindness, get well, soon,
parents, suffer from, look after, of course.
Lesson 2
Lesson 2
Lesson 2
Commands, Instructions and Requests
A Read the passage.
One day Ms Asma Haque brings a big box in her classroom.
She puts the box near the table. The box is tied with a rope. All
the students become curious. They want to know what Ms
Asma Haque has in the box. She could understand her students”
curiosity. She smiles and says, “Do you want to see what I have
in the box?” All the students shout excitedly, “Yes, we do.”
“Okay, could you help me open the box?”
Mita, Munir, Asif, Banu and Reba come forward to help their
teacher. “Thank you,” says Ms Asma Haque.
“Mita, cut the rope with the scissors, please.”
“Thanks. You can go to your seat.”
“Asif, open the box. Thank you, Asif.”
“Banu, come here. Now tell me what is in the box.”
“There is a fork, a round spoon, a flat spoon, a tea spoon, a
bowl, a cup. a lid, a frying pan and a plate.”
“Thank you, Banu. Go back to your seat.”
A1 Pair work. Ask and answer orally.
1. What does Ms Asma Haque bring in the class?
2. What are the students curious about?
3. Who come forward to help Ms Asma Haque?
4. What does Ms Asma Haque ask Mita to do?
5. Who opens the box?
A2 Choose the best answer.
1. One day Ms Haque brings a….… in the class.
a. rope
b. box
c. stove
2. Who become curious to see the box?
a. Ms Haque
b. Munir
c. the students
3. Mita ...............................................
a. opens the box.
b. cuts the rope.
c. brings out the stove.
4. Ms Haque asks Banu to ................
a. tell her what she finds in the box.
b. bring out the stove from the box.
c. count the things in the box.
5. Everybody in the class is ......................
a. excited.
b. curious.
c. happy.
B “Munir, come here. Take out the stove and put it on the
table. Go back to your seat.”
“Reba, come here. Take out all the packets and put them on the
table. Thank you, Reba. Go to your seat.”
“Well, I think I need some more help. Hira, come to me. Bring
out the spoons, the bowl and the frying pan and put them on the
“Thank you. Go to your seat”.
“Today we will do something new in the class. We are going to
make a big cake.”
The students are excited. They have forgotten about the time.
Meanwhile, the bell rings. The students are sad. The class is
over. Ms Asma Haque tells the class, “Don't be sad please. We
will make the cake next week.”
B1 Ask and answer questions. Work in pairs.
Then write down the answers.
1. Who takes out the stove?
2. What does Reba bring out?
3. What does Hira do?
4. What is Ms Asma Haque going to do in the class?
5. Why are the students sad?
6. Why do you think the students have forgotten about the time?
B2 Say true or false. If false, give the correct answer.
1. The students are eager to help Ms Asma Haque.
2. Reba takes out the stove.
3. Hira takes out the spoons, the bowl and the frying pan.
4. The students become happy as the bell rings.
5. Ms Asma Haque promises to make the cake next day.
New words and phrases
tied with, curious, excited, come forward,. meanwhile, bring,
B3 Match the phrases from column A with the phrases in
column B.
a. One day Ms Asma Haque a. different things for cooking
from the box.
b. The students are b. brings a box in the class.
c. Ms Asma Haque is miling
c. to help her.
d. She asks some of the
d. the students are so curious.
e. They bring out e. curious to see what is
inside the box.
B4 Make sentences from the following table. One is done
for you.
a. Ms Asma Haque is going to make a cake in the class.
a. Ms Asma Haque is
b. She is
c. Mita is
d. Many students are
e. Kamal is
f. Everyone is
going to
help Ms Asma Haque
make a cake
cut the rope
show the class what she
has in the box
have a piece of the cake
bring a box in the class
Lesson 3
Lesson 3
It's Fun
It's fun to be this,
It's fun to be that,
To leap like a lamb,
To climb like a cat.
To hop like a frog,
To swim like a fish,
To trot like a horse,
To fly like a bird.
I can act
And copy them all,
But none of them
Can copy me at all.
Lesson 4
Lesson 4
Telling the Time
Last year Mita and her friends learnt how to tell the hours. This
year they want to learn about the minutes. So one day Mita
brings her clock in the class. She says to Ms Asma Haque,
‘Today we all want to learn how to read the minutes in a clock.’
Ms Asma Haque is happy that her students are curious to learn.
She takes the clock and shows it to the class. ‘Look at the clock,
students. Now tell me the time.’
Nobody could tell the time because the long and the small
hands are not at the same place. Ms Asma Haque smiles and
says, ‘Don’t worry students. Look at the following clocks and
tell the time.’
What time is it?
It’s five past ten.
What time is it?
It's a quarter past ten.
It's ten fifteen.
What time is it?
It's half past ten.
It's ten thirty.
What time is it?
It's a quarter to eleven.
It's ten forty-five.
What time is it?
It's five to eleven.
It's ten fifty-five.
What time is it?
It's eleven o'clock.
A2 First look at the clocks and tell the time.
Then write the time in the box.
Lesson 5
Lesson 5
Writing on Your Own
A Write on your own.
B Write on your own.
C Write on your own.
B Write on your own.
A Write on your own.
Lesson 6
Lesson 6
Giving Instructions
A Read the following passage.
Ms Farhana is an English teacher. She teaches class five
students. She’s going to give them a class test today. Before she
starts the test, she gives the following instructions and asks the
students to carry them out.
?? Please put your bags under your desk.
?? Don’t leave any books or papers on your desk.
?? Keep your pencils or pens in your hand.
?? After I give you the testpaper, look at it carefully.
?? Now, write down your names and roll numbers on the first
?? Don’t forget to put the date.
?? Don’t look at anyone else’s paper. Don’t talk to anybody.
?? Now start writing.
A1 Look at the pictures below and complete the
instructions. One is done for you.
Don’t take photographs inside
the museum.
_________ silent in the examination hall.
_________ your shoes outside the patient's room.
________ in the form, please.
________ zebra crossing to cross the road.
Lesson 7
Lesson 7
Jamila Akhter and Her Job
A Look at the picture and read about Jamila.
Ms Jamila Akhter is a shop assistant. She works in shifts in a
department store in Chittagong. So, she doesn't have to go at the
same time every day. On some days she works in the first shift
from 9 am to 3 pm. On other days, she works in the second shift
from 3 pm to 9 pm.
Jamila always goes to work by bus in the morning. The bus
stops just outside the store. In the afternoon, she generally goes
there by rickshaw or baby-taxi. She doesn’t like to wait at the
bus stop in the mid-day heat. The bus is usually over-crowded
at that time. She always comes back home by bus.
She works standing all the time and serves the customers. She
often gets tired after work. But she doesn’t mind. She meets
new people every day. She finds her job interesting.
A1 True or false? If false, give the correct answer.
a) Jamila lives in Dhaka.
b) She works both in the morning and in the evening.
c) She always returns home from work by bus.
d) She doesn’t like her job.
e) She finds her job uninteresting.
A2 Answer the following questions in short. Work
with a partner. The first one is done for you.
1Q: Where does Jamila work?
A: In a department store.
2. What time does she go to work in the first shift?
3. When does she stop her work in the first shift?
4. What time does the second shift start?
5. When does the second shift finish?
6. When does Jamila go to work by bus?
7. What kind of work does she do in the store?
8. Why does she like her job?
A3 Match question words in A with the words in
B. The first one is done for you.
What yesterday.
Who because I want to.
Where by bus.
When Shahana Begum.
Why a book.
How at school.
A4 Make wh-questions for the following answers.
Ask about the underlined words. For example-
1) What do you do?
I’m a teacher.
2) Where do you study?
I study at a Govt. primary school.
1. Q: ------------------------------?
A: Jamila works in a department store.
2. Q: ------------------------------?
A: Jamila’s family lives in Chittagong.
3. Q: ------------------------------?
A: Jamila is a shop assistant.
4. Q: ------------------------------?
A: She serves the customers in the store.
5. Q: ----------------------------- ?
A: Her job is interesting because she meets new people
every day.
B Write a short paragraph about yourself. Include
the following points in your paragraph.
: your name
: where you live
: name of school
: the class you are in
: when the school starts and finishes
: the subjects you are studying
: how you go to school and return home
: why you like your school
New words and phrases
shop assistant, department store, over-crowded, mid-day heat,
customers, finish, return
Lesson 8
Lesson 8
Little Boy Blue
Little Boy Blue
Come blow your horn,
The sheep’s in the meadow,
The cow’s in the corn.
Where is the boy?
Who looks after the sheep?
He’s under haycock
Fast asleep.
Will you wake him?
No, not I,
For if I do,
He’s sure to cry.
Lesson 9
Lesson 9
At the Doctor’s
Doctor : Hellow! How are you? And how is your
Hasina Begum : Hello! I’m fine, thank you. But my
daughter Sabera is ill.
Doctor : What’s your complaint, Sabera?
Sabera : I have a fever. I feel weak.
Hasina Begum : She is also coughing all the time.
Doctor : Ok. Let me see. Come here, Sabera. Sit
on this chair. Now, take a deep breath---
Ok. Go back to your seat.
Hasina Begum : Is anything serious, doctor?
Doctor : Not really, she has a cold and fever.
She has also a bad cough. Did you play
in the rain, Sabera?
Sabera : No, uncle, I was going to school the
other day. On the way the rain started
and I got wet.
Doctor : Hmm!
Hasina Begum : Should I take her to hospital?
Doctor : No. But she must stay in bed for a few
days. Here is a prescription. She must
take the medicines regularly. I hope
she’ll be all right soon.
Hasina Begum : Thank you, doctor.
Doctor : You’re welcome.
A1 Choose the correct words and write the sentences.
1. Sabera is fine/wet/ill.
2. At the doctor’s, Sabera sat on a table/ a bed/ a chair.
3. The doctor told Sabera to go to hospital/ to go to school/ to
stay in bed.
4. Hasina Begum took Sabera to the doctor’s/to school/ to
5. Hasina Begum/ Sabera/ the doctor was coughing all the
6. The rain started when Sabera was going to school/ to the
doctor’s/ to hospital.
A2 True or false? If false, give the correct answer.
1. The doctor gave Hasina Begum a prescription.
2. When the rain started, Sabera got wet.
3. Hasina Begum told Sabera to take a deep breath.
4. Sabera had a bad cough.
5. Hasina Begum had a fever.
6. Sabera was Hasina Begum’s daughter.
A3 Ask and answer.
1. Who was Hasina Begum?
2. Why did Hasina Begum take Sabera to the doctor?
3. What was Sabera’s complaint?
4. How did Sabera catch a cold?
5. What was the doctor’s advice?
A4 Fill in the blanks with words from the list.
rain bed bad fever deep
1. She must stay in ----------- for a few days.
2. Now, take a ---------- breath.
3. She has a ---------- cough.
4. Did you play in the ----------, Sabera?
5. Sabera was feeling weak because she had a ---------.
A5 Change the order of the words and make sentences.
1. is, ill, Sabera
2. you, how, are
3. here, Sabera, come
4. all right, be, she’ll
5. doctor, you, thank
6. going, I, school, to, was
7. also, bad, she, cough, had, a
8. breath, take, now, deep, a
New words and phrases :
daughter, complaint, fever, weak, cough, deep, breath, serious,
hospital, medicines, regularly, welcome, all the time, a bad
cough, the other day, in the rain, on the way, a few.
Lesson 10
Lesson 10
Request (Would----Could)
A Listen and say, then read.
: Excuse me, could you tell me the
way to the bus station?
: Yes, go up to the end of this road
and then turn right. The bus
station is on the left.
: Thanks.
: Hello, I’m Mariam. Could I talk
to Nahid, please?
: Sorry, she is not at home.
: Could I leave a message?
: Yes, of course.
: Would you please tell her to see
me tomorrow?
: Ok, I’ll do that.
: Excuse me, could you give me
Habib’s phone number?
: Sorry. I don’t have it. You can
ask Shahid.
: Would you give me Shahid’s
phone number, please?
: Sure. It’s 5556121.
: Thank you.
Note : [Notice that when we request someone for something we
usually say, “would you?” or “could you?” It’s a polite way of
asking someone for something.]
A1 Fill in the blanks with would or could and a suitable
1) A : I’m going to New Market. Does any one need anything?
B : Yes. ----- you please ----- some oranges for me? And if
you don’t mind, ------- you please ----- this letter?
2) A : Nurse, ----- you pleawe ----- a glass of water?
B : Here you are.
A : ----- you please ----- me a chocolate from the box? My
uncle brought them for me.
B : I’m sorry, dear. You shouldn’t eat anything today.
A : ----- you please ----- the doctor if I can have it
B Ask and answer.
Read the following situations. Make a request for each.
Use would or could.
1) You want to borrow your friend’s bicycle
2) You want someone to lend you a camera
3) You want to know someone’s birthday
4) You want your teacher to tell you a ghost story.
Lesson 11
Lesson 11
Practising Pronunciation :/ae/and/e|/
A Listen and repeat.
Mr Magic E
In my long can
I have a plan
For making new words
Out of old.
To make can cane,
To make plan plane,
Add ‘e’
And see new words unfold.
The magic ‘e’ changes
Man to mane
My magic ‘e’
Is like a key
And changes pan to pane
Note : ‘a’ in the words ‘can’, ‘plan’, ‘man’ and ‘pan’ is
pronounced as/ae/, and ‘a’ in ‘cane’, ‘plane and ‘mane’ is
pronounced as/ei /
A1 Look, listen and say.
Teacher reads the following words first. Students repeat after
the teacher. Teacher should make sure students pronounce the
vowel sound/ ae/ei correctly and clearly.
can ____________ cane
plan ____________plane
man____________ mane
pan___________ pane
B Look and say.
The mother is feeding her baby.
We take a train at the station.
Some people are waiting for the bus.
The boys are swimming in the lake.
Kazi Nazrul Islam is a famous poet.
The boy is very lazy.
He is always late for school.
I needed some money.
My father gave it to me.
B1 Complete these short dialogues and act them out.
Rafiq : Look! the sky is cloudy. It’s going to ____
Pradip : Oh, yes. But Shamim hasn’t come yet. He
said he’d come at ten.
Rafiq : Well, it’s 10.30 now. He’s already_____.
Pradip : That’s right. If we ______ for him, we’ll get
Passenger : Excuse me, is the Mahanagar Express
_______ today?
Station Master : No, sir. It will be on time.
Passenger : But it’s already late. It's 8 o’clock now.
Station Master : I think you’ve made a mistake. The ______
leaves at 8.30. There's a little change in the
Passenger : Hmm____! So the train isn’t _____. I have
to _____ for a few minutes more.
B2 Complete these sentences with words from the list.
gate late mane page(s) plane
1. it’s not possible to go to London by train. We can go there by
2. A lion has ________: but a lioness hasn’t.
3. Ripa doesn't go to bed early. So she wakes up______ in the
4. Our school has a ______ to come in and to go out.
5. The book is small and thin. It has only one hundred ______.
Lesson 12
Lesson 12
Letter to a Friend
A Read the following letter. Look at the parts of the
20 Ranipukur Lane
15 May, 2005
Dear Kiron,
How are you? I’m doing fine in my new school here. I don’t feel
lonely any more.
I’ve made a new friend. His name’s Altaf. He’s a nice boy. He is
always friendly and helpful. Everybody likes him. On my first day
at school he sat beside me. We talked and spent a lot of time
together. The other day, he took me to a book store in the town. We
also visited the public library.
He’s also a witty person. He often tells jokes and riddles. Here is a
riddle that he told us yesterday.
Q. What goes up and never comes down?
Ans. Age.
Anyway, I miss you all very much. Write to me soon. Tell me
about you and other friends.
A1 Ask and answer.
a) Who is the letter from?
b) Who is he writing the letter to?
c) Who is Kiron?
d) What word is used to end the letter?
e) Where does Murad live?
A2 Guessing Game.
Here are some riddles. Guess what they are.
a) It is white and round.
It makes no sound.
Children love to eat it.
What is it?
b) It spins a thread and makes its home.
It does this task all alone.
It quickly traps its prey.
What is it? Just say.
A3 Suppose you're Kiron. Write a reply to Murad's
letter. Tell him about one of your new friends.
New words and phrases
lonely, friendly, helpful, witty, riddles, spin, thread, trap, all alone,
Lesson 13
Lesson : 13
Common Birds of Bangladesh
A Read and act.
Students : Good morning, teacher.
Teacher : Good morning, students. How are you?
Students : We're fine, thank you. How are you, teacher?
Teacher : I’m fine too. Thank you. Let's start now. Look
at the picture. What can you see?
Students : We can see many birds.
Teacher : Do you like birds?
Students : Yes, we do.
Teacher : Rima, do you know this bird in the picture?
Rima : This is a parrot.
Teacher : How do you know it?
Rima : It has a red beak and a long
tail. Its feathers are green.
Teacher : Right, very good. Now, we
will talk about some
common birds of
Bangladesh. Can you name
some of them?
Students : The crow, the sparrow, the
doel, the shalik, the
kingfisher --------.
Teacher : Why do we call them.
Students : We call them common
because we can see them
Teacher : Which of them do you
think is the most common,
Pavel : I think it's the crow.
Teacher : Why do you think so?
Pavel : Because we can see it
Teacher : Can you name a seasonal
bird, Bina?
Bina : Yes, teacher, the cuckoo.
Teacher : When can we see it?
Bina : We can see it in the spring.
Teacher : Where do these birds live,
Amin : They live in trees.
Teacher : Which birds live in our
Amin : Sparrows, and sometimes
parrots and mainas.
Teacher : How do parrots and
mainas live in houses?
Amin : In the cages as pets.
Teacher : I don’t think birds are
happy in cages.
A1 Make sentences from this table.
Birds live beautiful
eat feathers
are insects
have in trees
A2 Ask and answer.
1. What are the common birds of Bangladesh?
2. Why do we call them common?
3. How does a parrot look ?
4. Why is the cuckoo called a seasonal bird?
5. In which season can we see the cuckoo?
6. Where do birds usually live?
7. Are the birds happy in cages?
A3 Complete and practise.
1. A parrot has a red _______ and ______ feathers.
2. _______ _______ are the common birds in Bangladesh.
3. We can see the crow _______ .
4. The ________ is a seasonal bird.
5. We can see cuckoos in ________.
6. Birds live in ________ .
7. Birds live in the cages as __________.
New words and phrases
start, feathers, common, familiar, around, seasonal, everywhere,
season, cage, familiar to, quite often.
Lesson 13
Lesson 14
Cuckoo, Cucckoo,
What do you do?
In April
I open my bill.
In May
I sing night and day.
In June
I change my tune.
In July
Away I fly.
In August
Go I must.
Lesson 15
Lesson 15
Ordinal Numbers
A Look, read and say.
Shihab is ten years old. He lives in a small village. It is beside the
river Meghna. He is in class five. He goes to the village primary
school. He has come to Dhaka to visit his uncle Mr Hafizuddin. His
uncle works in a post office. This is Shihab’s first visit to Dhaka. So
one day, Mr Hafizuddin takes him to Dhanmondi. Shihab is
surprised to see so many tall buildings. He starts counting the floors
of a building. The building has twenty floors. He asks his uncle,
"Who live on so many floors, uncle?’ ‘There are shops and offices
and some apartments on different floors,’ says Mr Hafizuddin.
There is a grocery on the first
floor. Bookshops are on the
second and third floors. There
are banks on the fourth, fifth
and sixth floors. There are
libraries on the seventh,
eighth and ninth floors.
Shopping malls are on the
tenth, eleventh, and twelfth
floors. There is a university
on the next three floors----
thirteenth, fourteenth and
fifteenth. The sixteenth,
seventeenth, eighteenth,
nineteenth and twentieth are
apartments. Many families
live there.
A1 Practise writing the ordinal numbers in words.
1st 11th
2nd 12th
3rd 13th
4th 14th
5th l 5th
6th 16th
7th 17th
8th 18th
9th 19th
10th 20th
A2 Fill in the blanks.
1. The libraries are on the ____________, __________ and
_________ floors.
2. The bookshops are on the ________ and ________ floor.
3. On the _________, _________ and _________ floor is the New
4. The shopping malls are on the _________, _________ and
_________ floors.
5. The grocery is on the _________ floor.
6. Banks are on the ______, ______ and _______ floors.
A3 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the following
questions. Write down the answers.
1. Which floors are the libraries on?
2. Which floor is the grocery on?
3. Which floor is the university on?
4. Which floors are the banks on?
5. Which floors are the bookshops on?
6. Which floors are the shopping malls on?
Lesson 16
Lesson 16
Numbers in Words (51-100)
A Look, listen and say.
51 fifty-one 56 fifty-six 61 sixty-one
52 fifty-two 57 fifty-seven 62 sixty-two
53 fifty-three 58 fifty-eight 63 sixty-three
54 fifty-four 59 fifty-nine 64 sixty-four
55 fifty-five 60 sixty 65 sixty-five
66 sixty-six 71 seventy-one 76 seventy-six
67 sixty-seven 72 seventy-two 77 seventy-seven
68 sixty-eight 73 seventy-three 78 seventy-eight
69 sixty-nine 74 seventy-four 79 seventy-nine
70 seventy 75 seventy-five 80 eighty
81 eighty-one 86 eighty-six
82 eighty-two 87 eighty-seven
83 eighty-three 88 eighty-eight
84 eighty-four 89 eighty-nine
85 eighty-five 90 ninety
91 ninety-one 96 ninety-six
92 ninety-two 97 ninety-seven
93 ninety-three 98 ninety-eight
94 ninety-four 99 ninety-nine
95 ninety-five 100 one hundred
A1 Write the numbers in words.
51 56
52 57
53 58
54 59
55 60
61 66
62 67
63 68
64 69
65 70
71 76
72 77
73 78
74 79
75 80
81 86
82 87
83 88
84 89
85 90
91 96
92 97
93 88
94 99
95 100
Lesson 17
Lesson 17
Punctuation : Using a Hyphen
A Read the following text.
One day Ms Nafisa, the English teacher, came into the class.
‘You’ve already learned about a full stop, a comma, a semicolon, a
question mark and a dash. Haven't you?’ She asked the class.
“Yes, teacher,’ was the reply.
Ms Nafisa then drew a short line (-) on the blackboard and asked the
class, ‘What’s this short line called?’
Student 1 : It’s a dash, teacher.
Ms Nafisa : Hmm..... It looks like a dash. But it's not so. It’s
much shorter than a dash. It’s a hyphen.
Student 2 : When do we use a hyphen, teacher?
Ms Nafisa : Well, we usually use it to join two words together.
But if you look up ‘sitting room’ in different
dictionaries, you'll see both ‘sitting room’ and
‘sitting-room’. We put a hyphen when this helps to
make the meaning clear.
Notice that we use hyphens (-) to separate parts of words or to Join
words together.
A1 Read the following sentences. You can join some
words to make one word. Use a hyphen to join these
words and rewrite the sentences.
The first one is done for you.
1. I love home made cakes. (home-made)
2. These are hand painted pots.
3. He never buys ready made shirts.
4. Kite flying is a kind of hobby.
5. We’ll go to Chittagong by the inter city train.
B Read the following sentences.
Kajal was writing a story about a handsome
Babul has already taken the vocabulary
After he repaired the clock, Karim had to readjust
the time.
Notice that we also use a hyphen to divide a word at the end of a
C Read the following sentences.
1. I bought two dozen of bananas. But when I counted them
there were only twenty-three.
2. My grandfather is sixty-five years old.
3. Please, open at page ninety-nine of your English book.
4. We need thirty-eight packets more.
5. Out of thirty-two students, only twenty-two came today.
We use a hyphen to separate compound numbers from twenty-one
through ninety-nine.
C1 Put a hyphen where necessary.
1. Five of the twenty two boys are athletes.
2. There are fifty five students in Rina’s class.
3. You will find the poem on page thirty eight.
4. I paid one hundred and forty seven taka for that machine.
5. We invited one hundred guests, but only eighty nine people
Lesson 18
Lesson 18
My Pet
A Read.
Next day was Lima’s birthday.
‘What would you like to have, Lima, on your birthday’?
mother asked.
‘I would like to have a pet bird,’ Lima said.
‘What bird would you like?’ asked mother.
"I think I would like a bird that talks,’ Lima answered.
Next morning Lima had a bird in a cage. Father got it for her from a
bird shop. It was a parrot. It had green feathers and a red beak. ‘It’s
beautiful, I'm so happy. Thank you mother. Thank you father,’ said
Lima. She called her ‘Mimi’. Mimi flew from
here to there in the house. She liked to be near Lima. Every
morning she had a bath. She jumped into the tub. Her wings got
wet. Then she hopped onto the bar of the cage. Mother put her
food in the cage. But she liked to have it with Lima. She talked
to her a lot. Mimi was learning to talk. She called Lima by
name. They put her into the cage when they went out. It made
her very sad when they did that. She made a lot of noise when
they came back. Lima was very fond of her.
A1 Circle the right answer.
1. The pet bird was a
i) maina
ii) woodpecker
iii) parrot
2. The bird liked to be near
i) Lima
ii) Lima's mother
iii) Lima's father
3. ‘It’s beautiful, I’m so happy.’-Who said this?
i) Lima's father
ii) Lima's mother
iii) Lima
4. Lima wanted to have a bird that
i) flies
ii) talks
iii) sings
5. Mimi had
i) red feathers
ii) green feathers
iii) black feathers
A2 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.
Write down the answers.
1. What did Lima have on her birthday?
2. What did Lima call her?
3. What kind of bird did Lima like?
4. Why was Mimi upset when Lima and her family went out?
5. What did Mimi do when Lima and her family came back?
6. Why did Mimi make a lot of noise?
7. Did Mimi like to be in the cage?
8. Write a few sentences about Mimi (What she did/what she
looked like).
9. When did Mimi have her bath everyday?
A3 Fill in the blanks.
a) Lima liked to have a _______ bird on her birthday.
b) The pet bird was a ________.
c) Father brought the bird from a _______.
d) Lima called her _______.
e) Every morning the bird had a _______.
New words and phrases
pet bird, green feathers, red beak, had a bath, jumped into,
hopped, put into, a lot of, make noise, fond of
Lesson 19
Lesson 19
Little Pussy
I love little pussy,
Her coat is so warm,
And if I don’t hurt her
She’ll do me no harm.
So I’ll not pull her tail,
Nor drive her away,
But pussy and I
Very gently will play,
She shall sit by my side,
And I’ll give her some food;
And pussy will love me
Because I am good.
Lesson 20
Lesson 20
My Country
A Read the text.
The name of our country is Bangladesh. It became independent
in 1971. Dhaka is its capital. Bangladesh is a small country. Its
land area is 1,47,570 square kilometres. But it has a large
population. About 140 million people live here.
Bangladesh is
mainly an agricultural country. Its main crops are rice, jute,
sugar-cane and tea. Many kinds of fruits also grow here. Jackfruits,
mangoes, bananas, pine-apples, guavas and water-melons
are the most common. My country has also many rivers. The
main rivers are the Padma, the Meghna, the Jamuna and the
There are many variety
of fishes in these rivers.
We have many
interesting places. The
Sundarbans, Rangamati
and Cox’s Bazar are very
attractive. The Royal
Bengal Tiger lives in the
Sundarbans. Cox’s
Bazar is the longest
beach in the world. It is
about 120 kilometres
Many people visit these
places every year.
Bangladesh is a peaceful country. People from different
communities live here in peace. I love my country very much.
A1 True or false? If false, give the correct answer.
1. Bangladesh is a big country.
2. Bangladesh has a small population.
3. There are many rivers in Bangladesh.
4. The Padma is one of the main rivers of Bangladesh.
5. Bangladesh is a peaceful country.
6. Only the Muslims live here.
7. There are many varieties of fish in the rivers.
A2 Ask and answer.
1. When did Bangladesh become independent?
2. What is the name of the longest sea beach in the world?
3. How long is it?
4. Where does the Royal Bengal Tiger live?
5. How many people visit the interesting places every year?
A3 Work in groups/pairs.
Make a list of--
1. the main crops of Bangladesh.
2. the common fruits in Bangladesh.
3. the main rivers in Bangladesh.
4. the interesting places in Bangladesh.
A4 Match list A and list B to make sentences.
The name of our country lives in the Sunderbans.
Bangladesh is mainly an very much.
The Cox’s Bazar sea beach is Bangladesh.
Bangladesh is a is about 120 kilometres long.
I love my country peaceful country.
We have a lot of agricultural country.
The Royal Bengal Tiger interesting places
A5 Here are six questions followed by six answers.
Arrange them properly.
Questions :
1. What is the name of our country?
2. What is the capital of Bangladesh?
3. How many people are there in Bangladesh?
4. What are the main crops of Bangladesh?
5. Which fruits are the most common in Bangladesh?
6. How do people from different communities live here?
a) There are about 140 million people in Bangladesh.
b) Jack-fruit, mango, banana, pine-apple, guava and watermelon
are the most common fruits in Bangladesh.
c) People from different communities live here in peace.
d) The name of our country is Bangladesh.
e) Rice, jute, sugar-cane and tea are the main crops of Bangladesh.
f) Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh.
A6 Fill in the blanks with the clues given below.
140 1971 120 1,47,570
interesting rivers peace agricultural Dhaka
1. The population of Bangladesh is about ________ million.
2. My country has many ________.
3. We have many _______ places.
4. Cox’s Bazar beach is about ________ kilometres long.
5. _________ is the capital of Bangladesh.
6. Bangladesh is mainly an _________ country.
7. People from different communities live in ________ here.
8. Bangladesh has a land area of _________ square kilometres.
A7 Make sentences using the following phrases.
a lot of, live in, a big population, kinds of, a small country,
in the Sundarbans, longest beach, a peaceful country, an
agricultural country
A8 Write five sentences about your own country.
New words
independent, capital, population, million, agricultural,
interesting, attractive, peaceful, different, community
Lesson 21
Lesson 21
Talking about People
A Look at the picture and read the passage about
This is Mahmud Hasan. He is
Bangladeshi. He is 10 years
old. He is a student. He is in
class five.
Mahmud is tall and slim. But
he is healthy. He has short
black hair. His eyes are black too. He looks
A1 Answer the questions in short. If the answer is
‘No’, give the correct information. The first one is
done for you.
1. Is Mahmud American?
Ans: No, he isn’t. He is Bangladeshi.
2. Is he a teacher?
3. Is he in class five?
4. Is he fat?
5. Is he sickly?
6. Is his hair long?
7. Are his eyes black?
A2 Match the words in column A with their
opposites in column B.
fair tall
handsome dark
healthy fat
short ugly
slim sickly
B Read the following information table about Sonia:
Country : England
Nationality : English
Age : 24
Occupation : teacher
Figure : tall, slim
Hair : short, golden
Eyes : blue
Looks : healthy and beautiful
B1 Ask and answer the following questions :
1. What country does Sonia come from?
2. What nationality is she?
3. How old is she?
4. What's her occupation?
5. Is she tall or short?
6. What colour is her hair?
7. What colour are her eyes?
8. How does she look?
B2 Complete the paragraph about Sonia.
Sonia comes from England. She is _________. She is 24 years
________. She is a _________. She is ________ and slim. Her
hair is short and _________. She has ________ eyes. She looks
healthy and _______.
C Read the following table about Ramesh :
Country : India
Nationality : Indian
Age : 40
Occupation : business
Figure : short and fat
Hair : short and grey
Looks : old
C1 Ask and answer these questions. Work in pairs.
Answer in complete sentences.
1. What country does Ramesh come from?
2. What’s his nationality?
3. How old is he?
4. What does he do?
5. Is he tall or short?
6. Is he slim or fat?
7. Is his hair short or long?
8. What colour is his hair?
9. How does he look?
C2 Write a short paragraph about Ramesh with the
answers to the questions in section C1.
C3 Think about one of your friends. Write a
paragraph about him/her. Include the following
things in your paragraph:
?? Name
?? Place of living
?? Class
?? Age
?? Figure
?? Hair
?? Eyes
?? Looks
Begin like this.
I have a friend. His/Her name is --------- (name). He/she lives --
Lesson 22
Lesson 22
Punctuation: Comma
A Read the following sentences and notice where the
commas are put.
The annual sports of our school is on Saturday, January 10.
I wil1 take my scholarship examination on December 15, 2009
Maina was born on June 15, 1978.
Helal was born on January 21, 1979 in Jessore.
Hasan will reach Dhaka on May 8, 2009 in the afternoon.
Notice that we use:
?? a comma between the day and month,
?? a comma between the day of the month and year.
?? If a date is given in the middle of a sentence, we separate
the year with comma.
A1 Copy each of the following sentences. Add
commas where needed.
1. School starts on Sunday January 6.
2. My father was born on February 9,1923 in Comilla.
3. Bangladesh was liberated on December 16, 1971.
4. My sister will come on Monday September 2, 2009 at noon.
B Commas with Introductory Words.
Words like yes, no, or well are called introductory words when
they begin a sentence. When we say an introductory word, we
usually pause slightly. In writing, this slight pause is shown
with a comma.
Look at the sentences below.
The introductory words are in bold type. Notice the commas
that follow them.
Well, I think it’s going to rain today.
Yes, I think you’re right.
As usual, it rains when we want to play outside.
By the way, what’s the weather forecast for tomorrow?
B1 Each sentence begins with an introductory word
or words. Copy each sentence and add a comma
where necessary.
1. Well it’s fun when it rains.
2. But we have to stay indoors.
3. Come let’s think of something we can do.
4. All right I have a plan.
5. First of all you must promise to help.
6. Yes I will.
7. You see l’ve invented a new game.
C Listen and say (A vocabulary game).
The teacher (T) will say a word. Student-1 (S1) will take the
last letter of the word and make a new word with it. S2 will take
the last letter of the word given by S1, and make another word
with it. Continue like this:
Example : T -- Book
S1 -- Kite
S2 -- Egg
S3 -- Goat
S4 -- Train
Lesson 23
Lesson 23
The Cap-seller and the Monkeys
A Read the story.
It was a hot summer day. A man was passing through a village.
He sold caps to the villagers. He walked for miles and felt very
tired. He sat under a big tree to take rest. He put his basket of
caps beside him. He then fell asleep. There were monkeys in
the tree. The monkeys saw the caps in the basket. They became
The monkeys came down from the tree and took away the caps.
After some time, the man woke up. He found that there was no
cap in the basket. He was surprised. He looked for the caps.
Then he heard some sound above his head. He looked up. He
could not believe his eyes! The monkeys were wearing the
The cap-seller became very
worried. He did not know
what to do. Suddenly he
remembered that monkeys
like to imitate. So he took
off his own cap and threw
it on the ground. The
monkeys saw it.
They also threw their caps
on the ground. The cap-seller did not miss the chance. He at
once collected the caps from the ground. Then he quickly left
the place.
A1 True or false? If false, give the correct answer.
1. The cap-seller was tired.
2. He sat under a tree to watch the monkeys.
3. The monkeys lived in the village.
4. The monkeys were curious.
5. The cap-seller threw his cap on the ground.
A2 Match the phrases in column A with the phrases
in column B.
1. The cap-seller sat
2. The monkeys saw
3. He found that there was no cap
4. He heard some sound
5. He could not believe
6. The monkeys in the tree
a) in the basket
b) his own eyes
c) a basket of caps
d) under a tree
e) above his head
f) were wearing the caps
A3 Fill in the blanks.
1. It was a __________ summer day.
2. The cap-seller had a __________ of caps with him.
3. The monkeys were __________.
4. When he woke up, he found no _________ in the basket.
5. The monkeys like to __________.
6. The monkeys threw the __________ on the ground.
New words and phrases
take away, wake up, worried, imitate, take off, collect,
surprised, quickly, wear, remember
Lesson 24
Lesson 24
Why are lots of things in twos?
Hands on clocks, and gloves, and shoes,
Scissor-blades, and water taps,
Collar studs, and luggage straps,
Walnut shells, and pigeons’ eggs,
Arms and eyes and ears and legs
Will you kindly tell me who’s
So fond of making things in twos?
Lesson 25
Lesson 25
Eid Day
A Look at the picture and read the passage.
After a month’s fasting Eid-ul-Fitre is celebrated. Today is Eid.
Shihab is wearing new payjamas and a panjabi. Asif has come
to Shihab’s house. The boys will go to Eidgah for Eid prayer.
Asif is also wearing new clothes. The boys are happy. Shihab
has fasted for 15 days and Asif for 17 days. Shihab's sister
Nafisa has fasted for 20 days. Nafisa has come out to greet Asif.
The children say ‘Eid-Mubarak’ to each other. Nafisa is
wearing a red frock. She looks happy too. Shihab’s mother Ms
Banu has prepared many special dishes for Eid. She has made
‘firni, ‘jarda’, ‘polao’, ‘korma’ and many other items. Shihab
and Nafisa’s favourite dish is ‘firni’.
Shihab’s father Mr Sajjad Hossain is going to Eidgah too. ‘Asif,
come to our house after prayer. All of us will have food
together,’ says Ms Fatema Banu. ‘Thank you, I’ll come and eat
with you. After that we will go to the Eid Fair’, says Asif. Mr
Sajjad Hossain smiles and says, ‘Okay boys, let’s go to say our
prayers.’ After the prayer they embraced each other.
A1 Say true or false. If false, give the correct answer.
a) Shihab is wearing a shirt and trousers.
b) He has come to Asif's house.
c) Asif is wearing new clothes.
d) Ms Fatema Banu has cooked many dishes.
e) Mr Sajjad Hossain is going to the Eidgah alone.
A2 Ask and answer the following questions. Write
the answers.
1. When is Eid-ul-Fitre celebrated?
2. What is Shihab wearing?
3. What are Shihab and Asif doing?
4. How many days has Nafisa fasted?
5. Where are Mr Sajjad Hossain, Shihab and Asif going?
6. Who has prepared special dishes?
7. What are the special dishes?
8. Why has Nafisa come out?
A3 Make sentences from the following table.
Shihab and Asif
Ms Fatema
Mr Sajjad
wearing new payjamas and
fasted for 20 days.
prepared many special
for Eid.
wearing a red frock.
Eid Day.
going to the Eidgah.
New words and phrases
fasting, celebrated, Eid prayer, greet, prepared, favourite dish,
Eid fair, embraced
Lesson 26
Lesson 26
Use of Capitals
A Read
The name of our school is Phulkuri Government Primary
Our class-teacher’s name is Ms Samira Begum.
She teaches us English.
She says, ‘If you want to learn English, you should speak
Note: Notice the underlined words in the above sentences. We
use capital letter:
a) at the beginning of a sentence
b) to begin the name of a person, place or thing
c) to begin a sentence in a quotation
d) to begin the name of a country, a nation or language
A1 Rewrite the following sentences using capital
letters and punctuation marks where necessary.
this is margaret
she comes from australia
her mother-tongue is english
at the moment she’s learning
bangla at a language centre in dhaka
she says learning a new language is fun
i am enjoying it very much
my teacher says that i’m learning bangla quite fast
because i practise speaking bangla all the time
there are students from other parts of the world at the centre
from france italy and china
they speak french italian and chinese
but in class they speak bangla
B Read the following sentences.
Our school is closed on Fridays. That’s our weekly holiday. But
we have other holidays, such as, Eid holiday, Ramadan, Durga
Puja, Buddha Purnima and Christmas. In December, after our
final examination, we get a long holiday.
* Notice the names of days, months, holidays and special events
begin with capital letters.
For example:
Monday, New Year's Day, June, etc.
B1 Rewrite the following using capital letters and
punctuation marks :
on april 16 we celebrated bangla new year at our school the new
years day was on april 14 but it was a holiday and the next day
was friday so we celebrated the day in our school on sunday
april 16.
Lesson 27
Lesson 27
Mohakhali Flyover
A Look at the picture and read the passage.
Shihab was having a very good time with his uncle Mr
Hafizuddin. He took him around to see different places of the
city. One day Mr Hafizuddin came home early from his office.
He said to Shihab, ‘Today, I'll take you to see the Mohakhali
flyover. On his way to Mohakhali, Shihab was thinking what a
flyover could be. He thought it is a place from where people
can fly. They got down from the bus at a bus stop. Shihab
noticed a road high over their head. He asked, "Uncle, why
have they built a bridge over a road? Where is the flyover? I
want to fly from there.’ Mr Hafizuddin smiled. ‘This is not a
bridge, Shihab, this is a flyover.’
‘Oh! The flyover.’ He was amazed to see it. A flyover is a road.
It is built on pillars over another road. Shihab turned to his
uncle and asked, ‘Do we have flyovers in other cities?’ ‘No,’
said his uncle, ‘Only the very big and busy cities have flyovers.
You know, there are too many buses, trucks and cars now in
Dhaka city. During office and school time, there is a long queue
of traffic causing traffic jam. Now people can go through the
flyover. They now can save time. There is another flyover at
Shihab stood on the sidewalk and looked down. He saw cars
and buses running under the flyover. He did not know there
could be roads one above the other. He wanted to know many
things about the flyover.
This is what his uncle told him: The flyover is 1.8
kilometres/1800 metres long; its width is 14.63 metres
excluding the sidewalks. The flyover is built on 51 pillars. Four
cars can ply on the flyover at a time. The centre of the flyover is
7 metres high from the ground. A Chinese company has
constructed it. About 136 crore taka was spent to build the
A1 Circle the right answer.
1. Shihab has come to see the ..………flyover.
a. Khilgaon
b. Mohakhali
c. Rampura
2. He was ……… .. to see the flyover.
a. amazed
b. frightened
c. happy
3. In big and busy cities flyovers are built to ……
a. have traffic jam.
b. avoid traffic jam.
c. help traffic jam.
4. The flyover is ……. kilometres long.
a. 1.6
b. 1.7
c. 1.8
5. It is …… feet wide.
a. 38
b. 48
c. 58
A2 Say true or false. If false, give the correct answer.
a. Shihab has come to see the flyover all by himself.
b. He was delighted to see the flyover.
c. He has come to see the Khilgaon flyover.
d. Flyovers are built in very big and busy cities.
e. By going through a flyover, one can save time.
f. The centre of the Mohakhali flyover is nine metres
high from the ground.
A3 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the following
questions. Write down the answers.
1. Where did Mr Hafizuddin take Shihab?
2. What did he want to show him?
3. What did Shihab think when he first saw the flyover?
4. Why do cities need flyovers?
5. How can people save time?
6. How long is the Mohakhali flyover?
7. How many cars can ply on the flyover at a time?
8. How high is the centre of the flyover from the ground?
A4 Match the phrases from column A with the
phrases from column B.
1. Shihab is having a
2. Today he has come with
3. Shihab thought that a
flyover was
4. A flyover is
5. Big cities have flyovers
6. There is a big queue
a. a place from where people
can fly.
b. of buses, cars and other
vehicles during school and
office time.
c. good time in Dhaka.
d. to avoid traffic jam.
e. his uncle to see the
Mohakhali flyover.
f. a road built on high pillars
above another road.
A5 Make sentences from the following table.
Mr Hafizuddin
a flyover is a place from
where was people can fly.
eager to know more
about the had flyover.
never seen a flyover before.
he would take Shihab to
to see the flyover.
come home early.
brought Shihab to Mohakhali
to see the flyover.
amazed to see the flyover.
New words and phrases
flyover, got down, noticed, bridge, queue, traffic jam, sidewalk,
running over, looked down, width, excluding, constructed
Lesson 28
Lesson 28
Punctuation: Commas with
Nouns of Address
A1. Read and say.
Ms Sarah, did you send the letter to the principal?
Yes, I mailed it today, Ms Huq.
Thank you, Sarah, for your help.
Sometimes when we speak or write to someone, we use that
person's name. This is called using a noun of address. Look at
the sentences above. A noun of address is separated from the
rest of the sentence by one or more commas.
2. Read the following sentences :
Please, Raju, hold this picture for me.
Ms Shams, I think you should hang it on this wall.
Be careful, Raju. Don’t drop the picture.
[Use one comma to separate a noun of address that begins or
ends a sentence.
Use two commas to separate a noun of address in the middle
of a sentence.
Read the sentences given above again and notice the position of
the comma.]
A1 Copy each sentence and put a comma where
1. How can I help Ms Sufia?
2. You can hang this picture here on this wall Raju.
3. Harun runs and gets some nails and hammer.
4. I think Lalu will need a ladder.
5. Rina what’s Shovon doing?
6. Shovon Ali and Rahul are making posters for the exhibition
of Mr Karim.
7. Have you seen the picture of the sunset Ms Saleha?
8. The picture of Mr Karim is in the teachers’ room.
Lesson 29
Lesson 29
White sheep, white sheep
On a blue hill,
When the wind stops
You all stand still.
You all run away
When the winds blow;
White sheep, white sheep,
Where do you go?
Lesson 30
Lesson 30
The Night to Remember
Read the following questions. Work in pairs and
answer them.
a) What do we do if any one of our family members becomes
b) How will you feel if you walk all alone in the dark at
c) Do you believe in ghosts?
A Read the story silently. Answer the questions
given below.
Adnan is a student. He lives
with his parents. His
grandmother also lives with
them. Once his grandmother
fell ill. His father took her
to the hospital. The school
over. Adnan came from school and went to the hospital to see
her. Adnan left the hospital for home. Then it was almost
midnight. There was no transport on the road. His house was
not very far. So he was walking home. He was all alone. There
was silence
all around. He felt that someone was following him. He was
afraid even to look back. But when he stopped he heard no
As soon as he walked
faster, the sound became
louder. Adnan than began
to run to get rid of the
sound. The sound too ran
after him. “Who is it?”
shouted Adnan. “Why are
you following me?” But
there was no reply.
A1 Choose the best answer.
a) Adnan and his parents live in ___________
i. the same house.
ii. different areas.
iii. a flat.
b) Adnan went _________ to see his ailing grandmother.
i. near the hospital
ii. to the hospital
iii. to the doctor
c) When did Adnan return home from hospital? He returned
home __________.
i. after school hour.
ii. in the morning.
iii. late at night.
d) What did he think when he had heard some sound? He
thought ________.
i. to beat the person following him.
ii. somebody was following him.
iii. his father sent somebody to help him.
e) Adnan started running ‘to get rid of’ the sound. Here ‘to get
rid of’ means:
i. to get a ride.
ii. to be free from.
iii. to hear the sound
A2 True or false? If false, give the correct answer.
i. Adnan’s mother took his grandmother to a hospital.
ii. Transport was not available at nigjt.
iii. The patient was taken to hospital.
iv. Adnan was alone while coming back home from the hospital.
v. Adnan was afraid to walk to his house.
A3 Make as many sentences as you can from the
table given below.
His mother
His father
told him
someone was following
his grandmother fell ill.
he should go to the
hospital to look after her.
He should go to school
on time
the sound would stop just
he would go home alone.
the ghost had cut off
B . Read silently and then answer the questions given
Now he stopped and decided to see who it was. He looked
behind but saw none. The sight of an imaginary ghost made him
nervous. He thought the shades of trees and electric poles were
ghosts. “Help, help’’ he tried to shout. But no sound came from
his mouth. He was sweating and trembling. All the time he kept
praying. He thought somebody was telling him, “No, there is no
ghost. Don’t be afraid. Go shrad.’’ So, he tried to forget the idea
of an imaginary ghost. He tried to proceed towards his home.
But his heart was beating fast. Adnan imagined that the ghost
following him cut off electricity. He walked fast and reached
home very soon. Ge dound his home in total darkness.
B1 True or false? If false give the correct answer.
i. He looked around to find out the ghost.
ii. He was sweating because he was running.
iii. people from outside came to help him.
iv. He was sweating and trembling.
v. The imaginary ghost didn’t cut off the electricity.
B2 Answer the following questions in short.
i. Why did he look bejind?
ii. What made him nervous?
iii. Who said to him “There is no ghost’’?
iv. Why did he try to forget the idea of a ghost?
v. Why did he walk fast?
B3 Match column ‘A’ with column ‘B’ and make
complete sentences. Number (a) is done for you.
Adnan decided to see who it was.
a) Adnan decided
b) He walked fast
c) The shades of trees and
d) Somebody told him
e) Adnan shouted
i. not believe in ghost .
ii. were ghosta
iii. to get the help of othere
iv. to reach home earlier
v. to see who it was
vi. for the help of God
C Read silently and answer the questions given below :
Adnan reached home and shouted, “Mother! Mother!! Come
out with a light,” His mother came out with a candle in her
She saw him trembling and sweating. She was alarmed to see
his condition. She took him in her arms. She said, “Dear, what
happened to you? Why do you look so nervous?” Her son told
her everything. She saw a small piece of wood stuck with a nail
to his left shoe. She said to Adnan. “What is this? Why is it
stuck to your shoe?” Then Adnan realized that this piece of
wood made the sound of the footsteps. He felt relieved.
He realized that nobody nor any ghost followed him. Now, he
felt that there is no ghost. His mother understood that Adnan’s
fear of a ghost made him so nervous.
This incident was a memorable event in his life.
C1 True or false? If false give the correct answer.
i. Adnan’s mother asked him to come out with a candle.
ii. She didn’t ask him anything.
iii. At last he could realize the reason of the sound.
iv. There is no ghost at all.
v. It was a memorable experience for Adnan.
C2 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the following
a) Who did Adnan call?
b) Why was his mother alarmed?
c) What did his mother see stuck to his left shoe?
d) What made the alarming sound?
e) Why did he feel relieved?
f) What did his mother understand?
D Comprehension questions.
a) Write five sentences on a memorable event of your life.
E New words and phrases.
all around
as soon as
to get rid of
run after
look behind
take for
all the time
go ahead
so fast that
in total darkness
in such a situation
in the meantime
a small piece
feel relieved
make nervous
Lesson 31
Lesson 31
A Visit to a Book Fair
A Look at the pictures. Match the descriptions with
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
a) It is 6:30 am. My father is listening to the radio.
b) Atiq has come home from school. Ge is doing his
homework now.
c) Ms Nazma is an English teacher. She is teaching English in
the class now.
d) The patient is very ill. The nurse is looking after her.
e) Today is Eid Day. Jamal is giving a new shirt to Belal.
f) Rahim’s dather is a teacher in Khulna. His mother is
writing him s letter.
g) Today is a holiday. Sabina is helping her mother in the
h) it is 4 0’clock. Halim and Runa are coming home from
i) This is our drawing class. Shanta is drawing a piceure on
the white board.
B Read and act.
Mahmuda : Hello, Salma. What are you doing here?
Saima : I am looking for my friends.
Mahmuda : Why? Are you going somewere?
Saima : yes, we will go to the book fair. Would you like
to come with us?
Mahmuda : No, thanks. I am busy. I have a class test. I can
go tomorrow.
Salma : Okay. We’ll go tomorrow. I’ll tell my friends.
B1 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the
verbs given in brackets. One is done for you.
Sajeda and Jahid play in the afternoon. But today they are not
playing. (play)
i) Don’t disturb him. He ______ _______ now, (work)
ii) My parents live in a village. But I ______ ______ in the
city at present. (live)
iii) The sports competitions are over. The Headmaster ______
______ the winners some medals. (give)
iv) The water ______ ______, I will make a cup of tea, (boil)
v) Mosharraf swims everyday. But he ______ not ______
today. (swim)
vi) Meher lives with her parents. But now she ______ ______
her holiday with her aunt. (spend)
vii) Rita and Farida speak English well. But now they ______
______ Arabic. (learn)
viii) We usually play badminton. Today we ______ ______
tennis, (play)
ix) Rubina generally sits at the front. But today she _____
______ at the back. (sit)
x) Go and open the door. The milkman ______ ______ at the
door. (knock)
C Read
Today is Friday. The students of class five will go to the book
fair. Their class teacher, Ms Fatema Begum will go with them.
The bus is waiting at the school gate. The students are getting
on the bus. Parents are waiting to see them off. It’s a fine day.
The sun is shining brightly. The students are very happy. They
are carrying bread, butter, bananas, eggs, etc. for their
breakfast. Ms Fatema is taking some chocolate too. Rubina is
also carrying a camera. It’s already 9 o’clock. The students
leave the school for the fair.
They reach the fair at 10. They get down, go round and enjoy
themselves. They buy books of rhymes, jokes, stories,
dictionaries with pictures, novels, etc. The students return home
in the evening.
C1 Choose the right answer.
a) The students will go ______.
i. to a trade fair.
ii. to a book fair.
iii. for a picnic.
b) They are ______.
i. very nervous.
ii. not serious.
iii. very happy.
c) Ms Fatema is their______.
i. class teacher.
ii. Headmistress.
iii. English teacher.
C2 Answer the following questions.
a) Who is Ms Fatema Begum?
b) Where is the bus waiting?
c) When do the students reach the fair?
d) When do the students return home?
New words and phrases
Listen to, look after, look for, sports competitions, generally,
milkman, see off, dictionary, nervous, serious.
Lesson 32
Lesson 32
Pronunciation : Stress
A1 Read, Listen and Say. You should put stress on
the words in bold type.
That’s your pencil.
That’s your pencil.
That is your pencil.
That’s your pencil.
[When we hear English, we notice that some words are given
more force while saying them. This is known as stress. Often
the meaning of a sentence depends on where we put the stress.
If we change the stress from one word to another, the meaning
also changes.)
Read the sentences given above once more in the same way.
Read the meaning of each sentence according to where the
stress is given.
i) That’s your pencil. (Not your pen)
ii) That’s your pencil. (Not mine)
iii) That is your pencil. (You can’t deny it)
iv) Than’s your pencil (Not this one)
A1 Listen to and repeat the following sentences after
your teacher.
1) I saw Seema at the bookstore yesterday.
2) I saw Seema at the bookstore yesterday.
3) I saw Seema at the bookstore yesterday.
4) I saw Seema at the bookstore yesterday.
A2 Read the above sentences again. Match each
sentence with a suitable meaning given below.
i) I saw Seema at the bookstore not at the museum, yesterday.
ii) I, not my sister, saw Seema at the bookstore yesterday.
iii) I saw Seema, not Ruma, at the bookstore yesterday.
iv) I saw Seema at the book store yesterday, not last week.
B Read and say the following sentences several
times. Each time change the stress from one word
to another (the words in bold), and say how the
meaning changes.
i) I’m Seema’s friend.
ii) I am Seema’s friend.
iii) I’m Seema’s friend.
Lesson 31
Lesson 33
A Read The Text.
The next day Ms Nafisa came into the class. She asked one of
the students to read out the title of the lesson. The student stood
up and read out : Intonation.
S 2 : What’s an intonation, teacher?
Ms Nafisa : Well, when we speak, our voice sometimes
goes up and sometimes goes down. This rise
and fall of the voice is called intonation.
Again, when our voice rises at the end of a
sentence, we call it rising intonation ( ).
When our voice goes down, we call it falling
intonation ( ).
S3 : When do we use these intonations, teacher?
Ms Nafisa : We use intonations when we ask questions.
For example, if I ask you “Do you know Ms
Salma?” I’ll use the rising intonation.
S4 : When do we use the falling intonation,
Ms Nafisa : To ask wh-questions. For example, “What’s
your name?” or “Where do you live?” Both the
questions have the falling intonation.
S5 : Teacher, can I ask you a question?
Ms Nafisa : Well, students, have you noticed the intonation
your friend used just now?
S6 : Yes, teacher, we have, She used a rising
intonation because it is a yes/ no question.
Ms Nafisa : That’s right. Very good.
A1 Ask and answer the following questions. Use the
correct intonation. Work in pairs.
1. What’s your name?
2. How old are you?
3. Do you watch TV every evening?
4. How often do you have a haircut?
5. Do you wash your own clothes?
6. What does your father do?
7. Where does he work?
8. What does your mother do?
9. Do you live with your family?
A2 Act out the following short dialogues with your
partner. Use correct intonation.
At the hotel
Receptionist : Good morning. May I help you?
Tourist : Good morning. Have you any room vacant?
Receptionist : Yes, sir. What kind of room would you like?
Tourist : I want one double.
Receptionist : Could I book one for you?
Tourist : Yes, please.
At the doctor’s chamber
Patient : Do I have anything serious, doctor?
Doctor : No. Only a slight cold.
Patient : Will it last long?
Doctor : No. It’ll be OK in a day or two.
Lesson 34
Lesson 34
Practice sheet
Listen and Write
1. My name is Samir Khan. I live with my aunt Ms Meher
Begum in a small house. My address is 45 Park Road,
Shimulpara, Khulna. I went to Dhaka for a visit with my
uncle, Mr Azam Khan. It was during the winter holidays.
He took me to visit the Mirpur Zoo.
2. ‘Milu, look here,’ cried Hasan, jumping up and down. ‘I
have found my watch.’
‘watch! Well, where did you find it?’
‘I found it in a rat’s hole.’
‘In a rat’s hole! Really? How did you find it?’
‘I saw a rat coming out of the hole. I wanted to see how
the hole looked like. And there it was!’
3. Long ago there was a country far away. Some children
used to play in a giant's garden. They went there each day
after school. It was a lonely place. It had soft grass and
flowers. It had trees to climb. In their branches birds
chirped happily.
4. It is 7 o’clock in the evening. Ali is waiting at the bus
station. His friend Asif is coming from Sylhet. The bus
comes. Ali looks for his friend. There he is! Ali is happy to
see his friend.
5. Esha lived in a cottage near a forest with her father. One
day she went to the forest to get some flowers. A witch saw
her. With her magic, she made Esha fall asleep. She then
took her away to a magic land. Esha woke up from sleep.
She found herself in a strange place. She started crying for
her father, ‘Oh! I want to see my father.’
Lesson 35
Lesson 35
Writing a short composition
A Read.
The name of my school is Aslampur Primary School. It is in
Sonapur town. The school has two hundred students and eight
teachers. The school has brick walls with a tin roof. There are
seven rooms in the school. Five rooms are for classes, one room
is for the teachers and the other is for the Head Teacher. There
is a big playground in front of the school. I like to play in the
field very much.
A1 Read the following questions and write a composition
about your school by answering the
a) What is the name of your school?
b) Where is it?
c) How many students are there in the school?
d) How many teachers are there in the school?
e) What is your school like?
f) What do you like about your school?
My Mother
B Read.
My mother’s name is Ms Sufia Khanam. She is 35 years old.
She is a B.A. She teaches in a primary school in Sherpur. After
school hours, she works at home. She cooks our food. She also
looks after my old grandfather and my little sister. She takes
care of our health and studies. On holidays she cooks special
dishes for us. She washes the clothes. She keeps the house
clean. Sometimes she goes to the market. She also visits
relatives. She helps the sick people. In the evening, she watches
TV. She spends her free time with us. She remains busy the
whole week. I love my mother very much.
B1 Write a paragraph about your mother. Answer
the following questions in your paragraph:
What is your mother’s name?
How old is she?
What is her educational qualification?
What is she?
Where does she work?
What does she do for the family?
What does she do for you on holidays?
C Write a paragraph about a common bird in
Bangladesh. Answer the following questions in
your paragraph:
1. What kind of bird is it?
2. How does it look?
3. Where does it live?
4. What does it eat?
5. How is it useful?
D Write a paragraph on ‘your favourite game’. Answer
the following questions in your paragraph:
a) What is the name of your favourite game?
b) Is it a common and popular game in Bangladesh?
c) How many players can play the game?
d) With whom and when do you play it?
e) Why is it your favourite?
Lesson 36
Lesson 36
A Visit to a Zoo
A. Last winter Tanin’s school had a
holiday. Mr Masud, his uncle, took
him and some of his friends to the
Zoo at Mirpur in Dhaka. They went
there by bus. They saw many big
and small animals. They saw lions
and tigers. They also saw giraffes,
rhinos, deer, snakes, bears, camels
and crocodiles. They were scared
to see some of the animals. But
most of the animals were in cages.
They saw the Royal Bengal Tiger of Bangladesh.
It was big and beautiful. It was
walking from this side to that
side in the cage. Sometimes it
stopped and looked at them.
Tanin's uncle told them not to go
near the cages. Some of the
animals might hurt. They saw an
ape. It jumped from bar to bar in
the cage. Then it came and stood
in front of them. Tanin gave it
some nuts. They saw
birdschirping in the cages. They
were making a lot of noise. Some
of them had very bright and
colourful feathers and long
beaks. They saw the fish swim in
the water in tanks. They also saw
some big elephants and some
baby elephants.
Tanin saw an animal he had never seen. "What is it?" He
wondered. He looked at the sign on the cage. The name of the
animal started with the letter ‘M’. ‘Is it a monkey?’
He asked himself. But he was sure that it was not a monkey.
‘Is it a mouse?’ he asked his friend Sohel.
‘No, it is too big.’
‘Is it a mole?’
‘No, it is too small’.
He knows that a mole lives underground.
‘What animal is it in the cage?’ Tanin asked his uncle.
‘That’s a mongoose’, said his uncle.
After lunch they had a ride on a camel.
They went round the zoo for a long time. So they became tired
but they enjoyed the visit to the zoo very much.
A1 Say true or false. If false, give the right answers.
1. All the animals were in the cages in the Zoo.
2. The Royal Bengal Tiger was sleeping in the cage.
3. Tanin and his friends saw some big elephants and some
baby elephants.
4. Tanin gave some nuts to the Royal Bengal Tiger.
5. The birds were making a lot of noise.
A2 lion tiger deer rhino snake camel bear ape
elephant monkey bird giraffe
From the above list write the names of the animals in the
A3 Ask and answer. Write short answers.
1. When did Tanin’s school have a holiday?
2. What was the Royal Bengal Tiger doing in the cage?
3. Why did Tanin’s uncle tell them not to go near the cages?
4. Which animal did they see after the Royal Bengal Tiger?
5. Who were making a lot of noise in the zoo?
A4 Fill in the blanks.
Last winter Tanin’s school had a holiday. Mr Masud, his--------,
took him and some of his ------------- to the Zoo at Mirpur in
Dhaka. They ----------there by bus. They saw many big and ----
----------------- animals. They saw the lions and the tigers. -------
-------- also saw giraffes, rhinos, deer, snakes, bear, camels -----
---------. They were scared to see some of ----- animals. But
most of the animals were in -----------------.
They saw the Royal Bengal Tiger of Bangladesh. --------- was
big and beautiful. It was walking from -------------- side to that
side in the cage.
A5 Choose words from the list below and fill in the
mole mongoose Mirpur letter round.
1. Tanin’s uncle took him and his friends to the
___________ Zoo.
2. The name of the animal started with the _______ ‘M’.
3. He knows that a ________ lives underground.
4. ‘That’s a _________ , said his uncle.
5. They went _______ the zoo for a long time.
B Tanin is writing a letter to his cousin, Simin,
about his visit to the Zoo at Mirpur. He starts the
letter like this. Now complete the letter.
Dear Simin,
How are you? I had a wonderful time at
the Mirpur Zoo in Dhaka yesterday------
Your cousin
C Recite
Here is a thing we like to do.
Visit the animals at the zoo.
Here is a fox in his coat so red.
There is the elephant shaking his head.
And bears that are brown, and bears that are black.
And the camel who wears a hump on his back.
And monkeys will chatter at you.
When you go to visit the zoo.
Lesson 37
Lesson 37
Practise writing in cursive and
non-cursive letters
Copy the following words written first in non-cursive
and then in cursive letters.
minute between birthday somewhere
minute between birthday somewhere
everyday understand school spoon
everyday understand school spoon
student surprised know scissors
student surprised know scissors
Copy the following words written in non-cursive
letters. Now write the words in cursive letters.
chatter around problem please
polite message carefully shout
frying pan happy true animal
Copy the following phrases written first in noncursive
and then in cursive letters.
of course a glass of water come back
of course a glass of water come back
over and over again at once to sit still
over and over again at once to sit still
a big box pick up look at tell the time
a big box pick up look at tell the time
Copy the following phrases written in non-cursive
letters. Now write the phrases in cursive letters.
inside the cage most of the animals look at
a visit to a zoo get up to do with
from this side to that side to have a ride
Copy the following sentences written first in noncursive
and then in cursive letters.
Sixty minutes make an hour.
Sixty minutes make an hour.
Sixty seconds make a minute.
Sixty seconds make a minute.
There are five minutes between two numbers.
There are five minutes between two numbers.
Copy the following sentences written in non-cursive
letters. Write the sentences in cursive letters.
A giraffe is a tall animal with a long neck.
Tanin saw the Royal Bengal Tiger of Bangladesh.
The birds were making a lot of noise.
Lesson 38
Lesson 38
Aladin and the Wonderful Lamp
Part 1
A Read the story.
Once there was a young boy called Aladin. He lived with his
mother in a rich city of China. His father was a poor tailor. He
died when Aladin was a child. His mother had to spin cotton to
support the family.
One day Aladin was playing in the street. All of a sudden, a
stranger came. He said to Aladin, ‘My boy, are you the son of
Mustafa, the tailor?’
Aladin said, ‘Yes, sir, but my father is dead.’
At this tears came into the man’s eyes. He said, ‘I'm your uncle.
Your father was my elder brother.’
He gave Aladin two pieces of gold. He said, ‘Go and tell your
mother to cook some food. We will eat together.’
Aladin’s mother was surprised. She did not know Aladin’s
father had a brother. But she cooked a good dinner. The
stranger came to Aladin’s house at night. He brought some
fruits and sweets with him. The stranger asked Aladin what he
did for a living. Aladin was silent. Because he did not do
anything. So the stranger said, "You must do something to earn
a living. I will buy a shop for you. You will sell linen there."
The mother was very pleased to hear all this. ‘Thank you for
your kindness,’ she said to the stranger.
A1 Tick the right answer.
1. Mustafa was Aladin’s
a) father
b) brother
c) uncle
2. Aladin’s father was
a) a magician
b) a tailor
c) a cloth-seller
3. Aladin lived with his
a) father
b) mother
c) uncle
A2 Ask and answer.
1. Who was Aladin?
2. Where did Aladin and his mother live?
3. How did the stranger introduce himself?
4. When did tears come into the stranger’s eyes?
5. What did the stranger bring for them when he came to
their house?
6. Why was Aladin’s mother pleased with the stranger?
7. How did the stranger want to help Aladin?
A3 Fill in the blanks.
a) Aladin's father died when he was a _________.
b) He was the son of ________, the tailor.
c) The stranger introduced himself to Aladin as his _______.
d) Aladin’s mother used to spin ______ to support the family.
e) Aladin’s mother was surprised to know that Aladin’s father
had a _____.
f) The stranger wanted to help Aladin to earn a ________.
Part II
B Read.
The stranger was really a magician. He had a plan. Next day he
took Aladin far away from the city. They came to a narrow
valley. It had mountains on all sides. The magician told Aladin
to gather some dry sticks. He then set fire to them. The flame
arose. He took out something from his pocket. Then he put it
into the fire. He spoke two magic words. They saw a big stone
with a brass ring. He told Aladin to hold the ring and lift the
stone. They saw a staircase leading to a door. The magician
then said, ‘Go downstairs and open the door. You will find big
In these halls, there are vases full of gold and silver. Do not
touch them. Just go ahead. You will find a garden. There you
can see a lamp. Bring me the lamp. Go!’
Aladin did as his uncle told
him. In the garden, he saw
rich jewele hanging in the
trees. Aladin took some and
put them in his pocket. He
also took the lamp. Soon he
came back at the mouth of the
The magician was waiting for him. He told Aladin to give him
the lamp. But Aladin was tired. So he said, ‘Please, sir, pull me
up first. Then I will give you the lamp.’ The magician was very
angry. He spoke two magic words and the door of the cave was
B1 Tick the right answer.
1. One day the magician took Aladin
a) to a new city
b) to a mountain
c) to a valley
2. The stranger was really
a) a magician
b) Aladin’s uncle
c) Aladin’s brother.
3. The brass ring was
a) in the garden
b) on the stone
c) in the vase
4. Aladin got the lamp
a) in the garden
b) in the vase
c) hanging in the trees
5. The magician closed the door of the cave
a) with a stone
b) with dry sticks
c) with magic words
B2 Ask and answer.
1. Why did the magician take Aladin out of the town?
2. Where did the magician take Aladin?
3. Why did he tell Aladin to gather the dry sticks?
4. Where was the brass ring?
5. Where did Aladin find the lamp?
6. Where did Aladin see the jewels?
7. What did Aladin do with the jewels?
8. Why was the magician angry?
9. What did the magician do when Aladin did not give him
the lamp?
B3 Fill in the blanks.
1. The magician took Aladin far away from the ______.
2. The magician took Aladin to a narrow _______.
3. They saw a big stone with brass _______.
4. The magician sent Aladin to the garden to bring the
5. In the garden rich _______ were hanging in the trees.
6. Aladin put the jewels in his _______.
7. The magician spoke two _______ words and the door of
the cave was closed.
Part Ill
C Read.
Aladin was alone. It was dark inside the cave. He called the
magician. There was no answer. Aladin was afraid. He began to
pray. He rubbed the ring. At once a genie came and said, ‘I am
the slave of the ring. I will obey you. What do you want?’
Aladin was trembling to see the genie. But he said, ‘Take me
out.’ At once he was outside the cave. He came back home.
Aladin was very hungry. But there was no food in the house.
Aladin asked his mother to sell the lamp. The lamp was
dusty. So she began to rub it. At once another big genie was
there. It said, ‘I am the genie of the lamp. I obey him who holds
it. What do you want?" Aladin said, ‘Bring us some food!’
The big genie vanished. After some time it came back with a
silver tray on his head. There were two silver plates, two silver
cups, twelve silver dishes full of nice food. After this whenever
they were hungry or needed anything, the genie brought it for
them. So they had no want any more and Aladin lived happily
with his mother.
C1 Tick the correct answer.
1. When Aladin rubbed the ring
a) his mother came
b) a genie came
c) the magician came
2. The ring was made of
a) brass
b) silver
c) gold
3. Aladin told the big genie to bring
a) some clothes
b) some jewels
c) some food
4. When Aladin saw the genie, he was
a) happy
b) angry
c) afraid
5. The genie of the ring was the slave of the
a) lamp
b) ring
c) magician
C2 Ask and answer.
1. Who came when Aladin rubbed the ring?
2. Who took Aladin out of the cave?
3. Why did Aladin want to sell the lamp?
4. What happened when Aladin’s mother rubbed the lamp?
5. Whose slave was the big genie?
6. What did the big genie carry in a silver tray?
C3 Fill in the blanks.
1. When Aladin rubbed the ring, a ________ came.
2. Aladin asked his mother to sell the _________.
3. The big genie was the genie of the _______.
4. "I obey him who holds it", said the _______.
5. The big genie came back with a silver tray on his _______.
New words and phrases
tailor, support, stranger, to earn a living, magician, a narrow
valley, flame, staircase, downstairs, vases, full of, cave, slave,
genie, rub
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